Data Digitization data digitization

Data Digitization

Everex InfoTech is the preferred destination for print-to-digital delivery service as we provide instant conversion into multiple digital formats including same-as-print online edition, mobile edition, etc. Large scale data scanning and conversion into digital format for ease of storing and backup is also available with us.

The process involved is as follows:

Understanding the requirements and analyzing the best techniques

Our cost effective solutions for your company’s data digitization, data archiving, on-demand scalability and archiving needs are through optimal scans that produce accurate, digital archives from a variety of original materials. We help with the conversion of any kind of document or data, right from texts, images, audio, video, business cards, books, periodicals to newspapers, which can be digitized and transformed into digital formats such as text, HTML, XML, pdf, doc spread-sheet, excel-sheet, image formats like gif, png, jpeg, audio formats, etc., into media such as CD, external hard-drives, tape or cloud storage.

Our Services